Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whats a baby shower? (not a bath like thing) i mean buying the baby things.?

Thats just it! You buy a baby something. You have plenty to chose from, bottles, clothes, pacifers, towels, diapers, wipes, high chairs, jumpers, oneies, socks, toys, bathtub, washcloths, shampoo, diaper rash cremes, baby bath set, anything. IF your having the shower for yourself, people will buy things for your baby, and if you recieved an invite then you buy someone else's baby something. Simple. And the fun part is when you play games with the people you have over for the party. Go to There is this one game, where you buy cotton balls, plastic bowls, and vasaline. Put out like 5 to 6 bowls, put cotton balls in them. Have someone stand at each bowl and tell them to put vasaline on their noses. Then when there done with that, tell them they have 1 minute and who ever can get the most cotton balls on the floor, without using their hands wins. You need to buy a couple of things, to give your winners. Bingo is one of your normal games for a baby shower. You will laugh your butt off at them. That game is Awesome. Good Luck and have Fun.Whats a baby shower? (not a bath like thing) i mean buying the baby things.?
It's basically a celebration for the new one. The people you invite bring things for the baby. They are very good to have.

All you gotta do is set up a date to have one... tell all your friends %26amp; family [or send out invitations] %26amp; just let them know if there is anything you need for the baby.Whats a baby shower? (not a bath like thing) i mean buying the baby things.?
I had mine 3 weeks ago, it was a surprise party that my mother and grand mother arranged and had all my female family members and friends. They dressed me in a huge paper bonnet and I had a dummy and had to guess who the presents were from, if I got it wrong I was blind folded and fed baby food hehe. It was alot of fun and after me and my partner sorted out all the gifts we realised we didnt need to buy a thing, we have enough clothes toiletries and nappies to take care of a nursery and was gven a crib and pram so saved alot of money. Its alot of fun.
party to celebrate baby b4 it arrives
A baby shower is a party of your family and friends to celebrate and welcome your baby. Typically you have it before the baby is born, but some people wait if they don't know the sex. Everyone brings gives for the baby and you play games. It's fun to see what everyone gets the new baby.
it's just fun and game's with friends and family. they buy you and the baby gifts...mine is in two weeks and i cant wait I'm so excited to see what all they get me.
hello...its something that comes from america I think...its where you invite lots of ladies round whilst your pregnant(close friends, relatives etc) and they bring presents round for the baby like bottle warmers, clothes, changing mats or whatever they've asked you what you would like them to buy..also in the american version they are all suposed to bring 2 baby name ideas with them one for a boy and one for a helps the mother with name ideas if she is stuck or hasn't chosen any.....I was thinking of having one butwe've already chosen my names and most of our family and friends know what they are buying lol x
Its like a party for the babyto be born they normally get the mom things she is gonna need for the baby...cloths..bottles...usefull things

its very helpfull
like a party before the baby is born. yea, like a million gifts
u invite just girls or both sexes u play baby games like the dirty diaper,other game u give people a pacifier to put around there neck and if someone says baby that person that hears them say baby gets there pacifier and who has the most pacifiers wins a surprise,than there is a memories game where u put baby stuff in a basic and u only only so many seconds to remember everything u write it on a paper u give them a min. or so and who has the most wins a surprise.u have cake and open gifts for the new baby its fun if its boys and girls

It is when a pregnant lady gets all her nearest and dearest around her - such as close friends and family members and each person who attends usually brings a gift and they just celebrate the pregnancy and the fact that a new arrival is coming!

It nice get-together before the baby is born and sometimes the mum to be can get pampered a little with a make over and a foot massage ect to get her feeling relaxed and pampered and ready for the new baby!

If you are attending a baby shower and no idea what gift to get then speak to the others who are attending and see what they buying or for a more personal touch I would get a big gift box - and put all essentials inside like nappies and bottles and stuff ect and something nice for the mum like a bath smelly thing so she can pamper herself and maybe a nice bottle of champagne for the mum and dad!


a baby shower is a party that is thrown for the baby that is about to be born. it is done before the child is born. but can also be done after. the mother of hte child to be will get gifts for the baby and stuff like that. you normally play little silly games like pin the diaper on the baby or something like that. i think guys are not allowed. its an all girl thing. its like a party welcoming hte baby to come.
like an anne summers party for babies clothes instead of mums

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