Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bubble bath or shower?

and do guys actually like to take bubble baths?Bubble bath or shower?
shower, ive never had a bubble bath,well except when i was a kid i guess i had them....but ive noticed that my grandson seems to absolutely love them,,so i might have to give it a tryBubble bath or shower?
As long as your in the tub with me I'll take a bubble bath :no problem!
Bubble bath.................and yes some do!
Bubble Bath--And I love them, especially with my wife.
showers,but if I have a lady to take 1 with then a bubble bath it can be very romantic.
NO it takes too long. Showers are 5 minutes
I like showers♥
depends on how my day went
I always take showers, who wants to sit in dirty water?
Shower in the morning, bubble bath at night to relax. :)

because in a bath you are soaking in you own filth
Shower: I do not take baths. I am not in to soaking in my oil.
shower while blowing bubbles
Shower in the morning to wake me up, bubble bath at night to relax me.

I know a few guys that like bubble baths.
I love both but it all depends on what the time require.
A shower with lots of bubbles!!!...
shower, i don't like sitting in my own dirty water, not that it's that dirty but i'd rather stand under a nice hot spray of clean water...
Shower. Although I have took a bubble bath before....
Bubble bath first, then a shower!
I enjoy a bubble bath with my wife but not in the US as our tubs are way to small to fit two people. We had a really big bathtub in Munich Germany that was perfect for two! ;-)

Here is the US showers for two works OK!

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