Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you a bath or shower person?

Why ?Are you a bath or shower person?
I'm a shower guy.

Baths feel disgusting, like I'm sitting in my own filth.

Even with those low-flow showerheads (grr) I still prefer showers.Are you a bath or shower person?
bath cause gives me some time to think
I prefer showers. I get too comfortable in baths and have a tendency to fall asleep in them.
Shower person, but if I am sick I always take a bath
A.M.- shower- wakes me up

P.M.- bath- relaxes me
Shower; because I always assume dirt from bathwater will just get right back onto me and I'll have to shower anyway.

: )
Depends if alone shower, if I'm with you Sugar than a bath.
Shower because it is quick and easier.
Definitely a bath person. They are more relaxing to me.
I shower first quickly then I take a bath afterwards to relax.
Well when you bathe your supposed to shower after so shower!
SHOWER. Bath is dirty unless you are doing the dirty.
I like baths in winter. Nice, warm and relaxing. Showers in summer.
Bath.Because asthma does not allow me to take shower
shower,because i do

I guess it's just easier..
shower, b/c it is quicker and i like how it feels on my back; like a massage.
Mostly shower. Quicker
both,shower in the morning wakes me up and a bath at night relaxes
Shower in the am , bath in the pm
Shower person. When I was younger I hated taken showers, but now thats all I take. I don't like taking baths anymore because the water stribbles up my skin and I hate that feeling. Plus a shower gives you more of a refreshing feeling.

both, I like relaxing in a bath of bubbles or oil then shower
Shower to get clean in the mornings.

Bath at night to relax and unwind. I don't want to bathe in my own dirt everyday.
shower,because its faster ,if i took a bath id only have to take a shower to rinse off and wash my hair.
hot bubble baths in the winter, and cool showers in the summer.
bath it is more relaxing

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