Saturday, August 7, 2010

20 minute shower or 1 hour bath?

Is a 20 minute shower with an older shower head more wasteful of water, or is a fully filled, average-sized bath?

More curious of common opinions rather than facts, actually.20 minute shower or 1 hour bath?
20 minutes is a long shower! A 5 minute shower with a low flow shower head probably saves water and energy (colder showers use less energy than hot ones), so you've stacked the deck by providing such a long shower time! No doubt that in that scenario, the bath would save water and be far more relaxing, since I can play music, enjoy bubbles, etc.

The trick is then, if you're conscious of trying to save water, is time your showers, and don't fill the bath to the brim. I usually shower, but enjoy a bath once every few weeks for the solitude.20 minute shower or 1 hour bath?
Today, when fresh water levels in many parts of the world have dropped to alarming levels, water conservation is very important. So, it鈥檚 better to take short showers. In fact shortening your shower time by 2 -3 minutes can save almost 5 gallons of water per day. Also, if you reuse your bath water to flush toilets or water plants, it can save you nearly 15 gallons of water every time. So, while your shower and flush can waste significant amount of water, by being a little water wise you can save gallons of water. Here are some more water saving tips for your home:
Most likely the shower. Older shower heads can use up to 8 gallons a minute, that could be up to 160 gallons. I can't imagine a tub that would take that much to fill, most are about 60 gallons.

BTW there are some great shower heads that mix air with the water and only use 2 gallons per minute, they feel great.
The shower. Older heads will pump out between 3 and 5 gallons per minute, as opposed to a normal bath that will hold between 20 and 30 gallons of water.
both are wasteful of mother Gaea's precious life blood.

become a hippie and never wash again, you know it makes sense
the shower
i recycle but id have to say bath, but we can recycle it for plants:-)

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